If you have been looking for a place to be seen, known, and loved - look no further...because you belong here. IGNITE is an environment designed for 7th and 8th grade school students who are curious about their faith, desire community, and are open to discovering how a relationship with Jesus and His Church could change their lives.
It includes food, fun games, Social Concern Projects like making sandwiches for the homeless, dynamic prayer time including Eucharistic Adoration, guided group discussions, practical teachings. Our teens are led by a Core Team of committed adults who guide and support students as they navigate Middle School while developing a relationship with Jesus.
If you are in High School (9th - 12th) you are invited to meet with our senior program, UNITED that meets weekly on Sunday evenings from 6 - 8:30pm at St. Rose of Lima Parish, Newtown, CT - We are one big family. IGNITE meets bi-weekly on Fridays from 6:30-8:00pm on St. Joseph Parish grounds in Brookfield, CT.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Heavenly Father, we stop this evening to think about all we have…. and how often we take our blessings for granted. It is not until we see the needs of so many others…who have so little….that we realize how truly blessed we are… and to you we give thanks.
As we prepare these meals this evening… we recognize that what we are making may be the only prepared meal that this person may have for that day or even a week.
Help up to make these meals with LOVE … and with the prayer that things will improve in the lives of the recipient and their family. May they find blessings and better days in the future.
We pray this in Jesus’ name. AMEN.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.